According to the authoritative rating of the company – housing in Spain is overvalued
Experts of the rating Agency Fitchвыразили the view that the cost of real estate in Spain has grown the actual and adequate value by 10 %. Thus, the average level and the purchasing power of the population in Spain is below 10% in relation to the housing prices.
Even in a mortgage loan is difficult to get an apartment, especially in time for her to pay. If you look to the future, it may be noted that the situation improves minimally. In addition to the other, in 2017 it is possible to predict falling of the prices for nadvizhimost, but the lack of such a process in relation to wages of the Spaniards. Still, a large proportion of unemployed, especially among young people, so the growth in property prices will not happen, but today the demand outweighs the supply in the real estate market.
moreover, recent policy easing credit conditions has led to the fact that many Spaniards are unable to cope with the responsibility, and the apartments were sold to banks. If to speak about the situation with the growth or decline in demand for Spanish property, based on past experience, we can conclude that investment will increase by not more than 15 %