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to Have your own business – it is profitable. And to develop their business in Spain, it is doubly beneficial. It is a tourist country and it is actively developing sphere, oblivia coming. Therefore, the purchase of café – exactly what you need
Buy a cafe in Spain you can absolutely in any part of it. This is the kind of business that will be appropriate and profitable everywhere. Because the Spaniards do not have traditions for every day cooking, such as, for example, the Slavs. They love evening the whole family to go to the nearest cafe and eat. Prices in the country are also relatively cheap food: dinner for a family of 4 people can cost around 50 euros. For Spain – pennies. So no matter where your cafes – in the popular resort or in a small, it is not a tourist town – you will receive income.
But if you want to buy a café in Spain, you need to consider a number of nuances. Firstly, buying a café in a purely resort town, for example, in the same Benidorm, which “jammed” in season and empty in the off-season, you may get the profit only when there are tourists. But if you buy a cafe in Barcelona, Seville, in any city in the Basque country, there you will get profit always. Indeed, in these cities, autonomy go year round, and the population there are many. Will have a good reputation – your tables will be booked for several days ahead.
But if you want to buy a café in Spain cheap, know on prestigious streets in smaller towns it is cheaper. But in large megacities - and the prices are high, but the profit is greater. Choose public place, and most importantly – work on the conscience. Because the Spanish love to find their favorite cafe and go there every day. They have a lot of family cafes for decades. Try to be the same.
If you want to buy a café in Spain cheap, you will manage – a small cafe on 200 m2, you can easily buy for 200,000 euros. But when buying you should ask the owner, and even better to have documentary subexpression why he is selling the business. It is believed that the only good reason – it is the beginning of a new and more powerful business. It happens that the café is bankrupt or is not justified and does not generate revenue. Or even has a bad reputation.
in addition, sign documents only with reliable lawyers who know Spanish well. Turning to OpenSpains you:
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